Photographer. Swedish White Boy.

Monday, May 29, 2006

To Jeff Smack

Yeah. It's something in the air. I'm trying to to a show of photographs. I was lookin through them and thought it be a good idea since there's a gallery in town that would do it. My brain has been boiling over with ideas.
Man this weekend was completely insane. I saw The Walkmen Friday night. It was weird because we were the oldest people at the show. Mostly high school kids. The Walkmen are such a "non high school" band. On Satuday I got a flat tire riding my bike and walked it home. Saturday night I got stood up by this chick. So I tried and failed to get the number of another chick at the place where we were supposed to meet. Now this kind of rejection usually puts me me in a bad mood. But actually it had no affect on me. I was just in a fucking solid mood. Like James Dean when he's not acting or being cool.
Sunday I got new tires and rode my bike to Freedom Park which is some distance with many hills looming inbetween. When I got home I found my parents snooping in my bedroom which was just weird. I was about to tell them "Look. You're 12 years to late. I haven't stashed anything illegal here since 1993." Then I met this chick for Sushi and everything is fine until we take a walk and she tells me she has some unidentifiable bactieria inside her. Then she starts to almost cry. I really felt bad for her and proceeded to conjole her. It was like a movie. Then I got home and the power went out.
Yeah. It's something in the air. I'm trying to to a show of photographs. I was lookin through them and thought it be a good idea since there's a gallery in town that would do it. My brain has been boiling over with ideas.
Man this weekend was completely insane. I saw The Walkmen Friday night. It was weird because we were the oldest people at the show. Mostly high school kids. The Walkmen are such a "non high school" band. On Satuday I got a flat tire riding my bike and walked it home. Saturday night I got stood up by this chick. So I tried and failed to get the number of another chick at the place where we were supposed to meet. Now this kind of rejection usually puts me me in a bad mood. But actually it had no affect on me. I was just in a fucking solid mood. Like James Dean when he's not acting or being cool.
Sunday I got new tires and rode my bike to Freedom Park which is some distance with many hills looming inbetween. When I got home I found my parents snooping in my bedroom which was just weird. I was about to tell them "Look. You're 12 years to late. I haven't stashed anything illegal here since 1993." Then I met this chick for Sushi and everything is fine until we take a walk and she tells me she has some unidentifiable bactieria inside her. Then she starts to almost cry. I really felt bad for her and proceeded to conjole her. It was like a movie. Then I got home and the power went out. Yeah. It's something in the air. I'm trying to to a show of photographs. I was lookin through them and thought it be a good idea since there's a gallery in town that would do it. My brain has been boiling over with ideas.
Man this weekend was completely insane. I saw The Walkmen Friday night. It was weird because we were the oldest people at the show. Mostly high school kids. The Walkmen are such a "non high school" band. On Satuday I got a flat tire riding my bike and walked it home. Saturday night I got stood up by this chick. So I tried and failed to get the number of another chick at the place where we were supposed to meet. Now this kind of rejection usually puts me me in a bad mood. But actually it had no affect on me. I was just in a fucking solid mood. Like James Dean when he's not acting or being cool.
Sunday I got new tires and rode my bike to Freedom Park which is some distance with many hills looming inbetween. When I got home I found my parents snooping in my bedroom which was just weird. I was about to tell them "Look. You're 12 years to late. I haven't stashed anything illegal here since 1993." Then I met this chick for Sushi and everything is fine until we take a walk and she tells me she has some unidentifiable bactieria inside her. Then she starts to almost cry. I really felt bad for her and proceeded to conjole her. It was like a movie. Then I got home and the power went out.
Yeah. It's something in the air. I'm trying to to a show of photographs. I was lookin through them and thought it be a good idea since there's a gallery in town that would do it. My brain has been boiling over with ideas.
Man this weekend was completely insane. I saw The Walkmen Friday night. It was weird because we were the oldest people at the show. Mostly high school kids. The Walkmen are such a "non high school" band. On Satuday I got a flat tire riding my bike and walked it home. Saturday night I got stood up by this chick. So I tried and failed to get the number of another chick at the place where we were supposed to meet. Now this kind of rejection usually puts me me in a bad mood. But actually it had no affect on me. I was just in a fucking solid mood. Like James Dean when he's not acting or being cool.
Sunday I got new tires and rode my bike to Freedom Park which is some distance with many hills looming inbetween. When I got home I found my parents snooping in my bedroom which was just weird. I was about to tell them "Look. You're 12 years to late. I haven't stashed anything illegal here since 1993." Then I met this chick for Sushi and everything is fine until we take a walk and she tells me she has some unidentifiable bactieria inside her. Then she starts to almost cry. I really felt bad for her and proceeded to conjole her. It was like a movie. Then I got home and the power went out.

Monday, November 28, 2005

This is my old profile from myspace...

I am skilled in the art of skeet shooting. My family is of Swedish descent which includes Nobles and European diplomats. My great great Grandfather served as a Commander in the Swedish Army(yes we have one). He tried several times to start a war with Norway. His attempts failed...However he did impress the Nobility(despite his heavy drinking & weakness for tall Swedish blondes). Since then we've been banished from the higher ranks of society for reasons I can't name here...Most of my family is clairvoyant which is something we refuse to discuss or even acknowlege. My Father worked as a subcontractor for NASA...but recently he was extradited to Switzerland on charges of tax evasion and racketeering. He is known for his exqisite guns collection...(he has a pistol that was owned by General Lee.) My Mother is a socialite currently living in Aspen with an ex-French Minister of finance. Her hobbies include collecting rare Greek artifacts and wine. I am an artist and art dealer. On visual art: I love pop. But more recently got into performance artists. Cy Twombly and Jackson Pollack are old favorites. But I also love Paul McCarthy and Mike Kelley. I really dig riding my bike and run. Computer: Macintosh. Camera: Polaroid + Pentax 35MMDrink: Protein smoothieSports: Kickboxing. Soccer. Biking. Poolhopping. Hanging out outdoors. Vehicles: GT Mountain Bike. 1997 Ford Explorer.Heros: Nicoli Tesla, Malcom Gladwell, Terry Richardson, Jeff Smack (Imagine if Allen Ginsburg, Derek Lerner, Jackson Pollock and DJ Shadow had a baby that would be Jeff Smack)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Insurance Racket

I'm working on getting my life together. (Laugh)

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Extremist are boring people

Somebody blew up a hotel on the news. Speaking of news I was listening to NPR and they were talking about blogs... and this guy was saying how some people are getting movie deals with there blogs. Everyone wants a movie deal. I saw Thumbsucker. Mike Mills the graphic designer directed it. It was awsome. I got the poster from the movie theatre. Som much has happened since I last wrote anything. I'm applying to SFAI in San Fransico. The goverment is talking about cutting school loans so I better get on it. But They'll argue forever before they actually do anything. Jeff Smack wrote me an great letter to recomend me.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Dreams never end...

Damn I had a heck of a dream last night. I don't remember the details...all I can say is there was this super power looming over me and I was really fighting it...You can do what you want I don't fear you. Man it was intense. I thought about calling Theresa. Because I was so shook up. Then I decided not to. Never call a girl to much. That's not cool. Chill lay back. Cool guys have options. I'm riding bike taki this week. And I'm about to start working at the Y again.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

abdominal Fat

Girls if you are fronting your stomach...make sure its nice and flat. If it is not please do not show your belly in public! You are not 17 anymore and its time to make a decision. You can: A. Cover your stomach. Or: B) Get off the couch and go to the gym 3-4 times a week. A YMCA Membership is cheap if you submit you tax records and your weekly income. I am begging you please!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Carl Sagan smoked blunts

Carl Sagan smoked pot. I don't smoke but I like the idea that a genius scientist did... people should be able to use if they want to. People get blitzed on alchol and that's all right. But smoking a joint isn't. I guess that's why alchol kills more than all drugs combined. I drink but usually in moderation. Unless I'm with old friends. I'd rather get high than drink a lot of booze.