Photographer. Swedish White Boy.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Objects and Fake Blood

C. wants me to help him redesign this porn site, which is just the worst design you can image.
It's a really sleazy site. Which makes it more interesting. I told him I would, but we still don't officially have the job so he can't tell me anything about money. I hope we get the project. Maybe I'll just move to Asheville. I really like it up there.
I've been thinking about ideas for photogaphs. I have these ideas when I'm about to wake up. I should start writing them down. Objects and fake blood. That's going to be the title of my first show.

Thursday, August 05, 2004

I'm so broke and getting bored. I have to find a way to make more money.
I saw this girl that Taylor and I partied with a while back. I took photos of us drinking and smoking. It was snowing really hard out and nobody could go anywhere. But we had Taylor's truck and I was driving all over the place in this deep snow at 2:00am. It was really fun.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

I Fell In Love In The Year 2000

I Fell In Love In The Year 2000. Isn't that a great title. I was thinking because all I really wanted was to fall in love. Then I did in the year 2000 and I was such a bore and it drove me into this wimpy state. So now the last thing I want is love. I dislike the complexities of it. I'd much rather have sex with a girl who is my friend. Love is overrated. I mean man/woman/sex love. Most people want love and after they get it they lose it and then they are disappointed. So just don't expect it to last. So you won't be let down. You have to expect these really high and low feelings when in and out of love. But nobody tells you this when your young. We watch all these love stories with happy endings and it kind of builds us up to crash. So I suggest that if your in love treat it like flying and airplane. Know your altitude(spelling?) Don't get to high. The other big thing about love is that when your in love with someone you never see the things you dislike. You've really got to look past love and see them as another person to notice what you don't like. Once you figure out what you don't like then you can figure out how you really feel.