Photographer. Swedish White Boy.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

abdominal Fat

Girls if you are fronting your stomach...make sure its nice and flat. If it is not please do not show your belly in public! You are not 17 anymore and its time to make a decision. You can: A. Cover your stomach. Or: B) Get off the couch and go to the gym 3-4 times a week. A YMCA Membership is cheap if you submit you tax records and your weekly income. I am begging you please!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Carl Sagan smoked blunts

Carl Sagan smoked pot. I don't smoke but I like the idea that a genius scientist did... people should be able to use if they want to. People get blitzed on alchol and that's all right. But smoking a joint isn't. I guess that's why alchol kills more than all drugs combined. I drink but usually in moderation. Unless I'm with old friends. I'd rather get high than drink a lot of booze.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Office Life

Summer is here and the office is kicking into high gear. Merza is living here now along with Mitch and Marija(spelling?). Merza made pot bownies a few weeks ago...he ate two and was high for two days. These guys are working on the we have a big hole in the ceiling.

Monday, June 13, 2005

E-mail to a friend...

This a e-mail I sent to a friend:

Yes. Besides my nightmare's of becoming a girls soccer coach I'm doing quite well. A trivial new influence has sparked a new set of songs...which are going under the name "Satchii". More pop and relationship stuff. But much more than that. I did a seven song EP called SEX WEAPONS. But I'm working on a new one called Satchii Takes All. I also have some new ideas for art pojects including one where I dress up like Nixon and mop floors. I don't know what's gotten into me or out of me. I've been curiously sober lately...a complete fucking bore. I go to the gym 3 days a week and ride my mountain bike around town. Recently I've lost a few at least girls are looking at me again. And I can wear t-shirts from 5 yeas ago.
Also new:
A) I am going by Ace Wall now.
B) Was rejected by a rich Swedish 26 year-old female.
c) Actually thinking about going to a Widspead panis concert (yes I bought the fist album on vinyl in 1989)
d) I am going to make a effort to smoke a pipe.
E) Going back on my vow never to drive an American Car since my Dad gave me his 97 Explorer.
F) I had a huge realization two days ago...NO ONE EVER TALKS ABOUT GAS PRICES WHEN THEY GO DOWN!