Photographer. Swedish White Boy.

Friday, May 14, 2004

Boredom and the New Policy

We've got this new dress policy at work that requires us to wear nice clothes. Our GM tried to fight it because we don't see any clients. Plus he wears T-shirts, real Texas guy, Anthony Quinn type. So now I've got to buy some shirts. The thing about nice shirts is you can go to Old Navy and not pay a lot of money. But then your gonna look like a geek. You kinda have to throw down a little cash to dress nice and look cool. I mean shit if I had the money I would dress straight from Brooks Brothers 7 days a week! But they don't think about any of this when they make new rules.

I had a dream I was at a health food store last night. It was weird but not as weird as when I dreamt I was hanging out with "Heart" the rock band in 1978. I don't even have their records.

R. e-mailed me from Aloha world. He's learning how to fly helicopters. I told him he should get a chopper and a van the same color like T.C. from magnum PI. I remember when I was a kid I didn't like the show because it didn't have enough action in it. To much talking.


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