Photographer. Swedish White Boy.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Girls/Crack Heads/1985

I went to this music venue down the street from where I live I saw this girl who was really hot.
Mike said Kelly and some crackheads stopped by the office around 5:30 AM. Kelly's parents own the apts(the office) where I work and where Mike lives. Kelly stoled Mikes car few weeks earlier. When he stopped by he  brought a 19 year-old crack whore over to "make it up to him..." They got angery when Mike asked him and his crackhead friends to leave. Kelly's parent's are loaded but he's on crack all the time and steals things.  I'd like to photograph him.
I was going to write something about 1985 but I forgot what it was...

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Easy living/Malcom X/Phoenix/Cash

Ths summer has really been great. Working for the Z. Brothers kicks ass. I bought a book on Malcom X. It's cool. I really dig him. I talked to my sister aboout moving to Phoenix. She really wants me to. I really want to. She's trying to buy a house. I'll I need to do is save some cash.

Monday, June 14, 2004

Quitting job/The fat photographer syndrome

Since the last entry I:
1.) Quit my pathetic, boring so called graphic design job.
2.) Got drunk on Budwieser.
3.) Ran 4 miles.

Quitting my job as a junk mail graphic designer was almost as good as sex. On my last hour I was looking down at the folders of ads and thinking, "I'll never have to do a Dominos Pizza ever again." when I left I felt like I was getting outta jail. Discharged if you will. It was one of the best things I've ever done.
Now I work for the Z. brothers. Good people. Friends if you will. It's a painting company. I'm doing the pressure washing. It's easy work and I get to be outside by myself with no one else. people are like, "You went to college. Why don't you do something in your field?" I respond with, "I like my job plus I get paid more for less work." Which leaves mountain biking, meditating, running, hiking, and general play. So I'm psyched.

I was out in the hood drinking a few beers when I noticed this fat photographer. The condition otherwise known as "The fat photgrapher syndrome". I hate them because they're are so many of them. It's the main reason why I decided to loose wieght. I couldn't stand being in catagory. So predictable and boring. You already know their work is horrible. So now I'm all into the gym and running and water and no white starch and glycemic index and eggs and vitamins and reading Mens Health. It's taken a long time just to notice a difference. I never weigh myself I just put on old clothes. When they fit better I know I'm losing in the waist.

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Forever, Since Breakfast

"Forever, since breakfast." is a Charlie Manson Quote. There was a TV special on him but since I don't have cable I missed it.
Went to Boone last weekend with Phil. We stayed with Bryan. Saturday we ate mushroomms and went to the motorcycle show downtown. It was awful the people were so fat and ugly. I probably wouldn't have been bothered if I wasn't in the state I was in. I really wanted to get out of there. Then I saw T. which freaked me out because she's this Christian girl. She's an old friend. She's nice but at that point I couldn't talk to her and got all freaked out. We got in the car and I was so happy to be getting out of there. It was like a wieght was lifting of my shoulders. We went out to the parkway and went hiking. Their were motorcycles out where we stopped. They bothered me. But my this time I was laughing my head off. We went down to the trail. It was really cool. We passed people and went up to the graveyard. We just sat out there and talked a little it was really fun. After an hour we headed back. We got dinner at this great place I had a tuna sandwich. It was really good. We got some beers at the Boone Saloon. By then it was one and I was beat. I went staright to bed when we got home.