Photographer. Swedish White Boy.

Friday, May 28, 2004

M. Day photographs

I bought a watch because I never know what time it is. On the watch it says "IRONMAN". I feel like ironman when I wear it. I bought some DVDs when I bought the watch. They were rated R and the woman behind the counter asked if I was 17 I said "Yes. I'm 31." Which is funny because at Brook's party this guy asked me "So what school do you go to?". And I was like "I'm a graphic designer." I was suprised.

I'm going up to boone with Phil to Boone to see Bryan. I want to take some photographs.

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Hot Bed

I saw Gas Van Sant's "Elephant". It's kinda based on Columbine. Which is funny because when I was watching Columbine on the news the only thing I could think was "Whose gonna make a movie of this first?". It was good but the shots could have been way better. I like the title. If I was going to make a movie I'd call it "Hot Bed".
Brook had her B-party last weekend. K. was there she seemed to be hitting on me. Then I looked down at her finger and saw her engagment ring. I'll bet 20 dollars she either doesn't get married or gets a divorce.

Friday, May 21, 2004

Money Grubbing Sales Reps...

The sales reps are making me bash my head agaist the wall. Good thing its a cubicle wall and not a real one. These guys float on money when they come into the office and then they complain about us not doing our job when we are doing our job. Until you make more than them they won't respect you. It like working with the king of England. Now I'm just reading other blogs.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Captain Lust and the Pirate Women

I read this article on this woman who is considered the "the Mother Teresa of porn". She is an ex-porn star and she has some clinic for porn stars. It said she was in a movie called "Captain Lust and the Pirate Women" which is just a great title.
Friday was so boring, it was my birthday last weekend, I was asking myself where are the Brazilan strippers and blow. Atleast I got a new pair of shoes. Maybe next year I'll get Brazilan strippers and blow.
This artist Christa Donner is really cool and she's selling prints for 60 bucks. Money is so tight but I have to have one. Some gallery is representing her now. She said her prices are going up fast.

Friday, May 14, 2004

Boredom and the New Policy

We've got this new dress policy at work that requires us to wear nice clothes. Our GM tried to fight it because we don't see any clients. Plus he wears T-shirts, real Texas guy, Anthony Quinn type. So now I've got to buy some shirts. The thing about nice shirts is you can go to Old Navy and not pay a lot of money. But then your gonna look like a geek. You kinda have to throw down a little cash to dress nice and look cool. I mean shit if I had the money I would dress straight from Brooks Brothers 7 days a week! But they don't think about any of this when they make new rules.

I had a dream I was at a health food store last night. It was weird but not as weird as when I dreamt I was hanging out with "Heart" the rock band in 1978. I don't even have their records.

R. e-mailed me from Aloha world. He's learning how to fly helicopters. I told him he should get a chopper and a van the same color like T.C. from magnum PI. I remember when I was a kid I didn't like the show because it didn't have enough action in it. To much talking.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Country Songs, Prison, and tortured

Another country song about American soldiers fighting for freedom. I wonder if they listened to it when they tortured those Iraqis to death. They could have made a music video. Nashville wouldn't have liked it though. Anybody can write a hit country. Just listen to the radio...its really sad. People at work listen to it which means I have to listen to it. I wonder what they would do if I played my Guitar Wolf record?
I got the new Magnetic Fields record. The critics are burning S. Merrit at the stake. I like it. I think if you wait 5 years to do anything, then put it out they'll always burn you. No matter what it is or how good. Except for Morrissey. He walks on water. He's playing Lollapalooza which is weird and cool. Sonic Youth is on the line up I think it'll be good.
T. says he's moving to Charleston because more girls live there.

last week was cinco de mayo. I met M. and T. at this Mexican resturant. There were tons of people. Office people were still in there suits. There was a DJ down stairs it was loud and funny. All the girls were in their their lipstick gear. They had a band on the top of a parking deck. It was swarming with drunk sweaty people. Some looked really good. I saw C.R. She looked like a thin retired supermodel. I was standing right next to here and she didn't recognize me and that was fun because I felt like I was this guy who was in disguise. I wish I had some nicer clothes to wear when I go out. M. got some coke which didn't suprise me. T. got mad when M. offer him some. He's really trying to stop doing coke. which surprised me. They talked about going to a strip club and I said I was broke. I kind of wanted to go. I saw W. and his girlfriend. W. is really nice and we talked a little. His girlfriend is x. and I could place her then I remembered my best friend taped himself having sex with her ten years ago. I heard the quality of it was so bad you couldn't see anything.
I left and thought about taking a photograph but I had no camera.